Journey into the complex and challenging era of World War II with the Mil-Blox WWII German Army 8-Man Mixed Squad. This meticulously detailed set honors the uniforms, weaponry, and figures that played significant roles in a pivotal period of history. Whether you're a history enthusiast, collector, or a storyteller, this ensemble of figures and equipment provides you with a unique perspective on WWII.
One German Army Soldier - Grey Uniform: Armed with the iconic MP 40 sub-machine gun, this figure represents the backbone of the German Army.
One Commando Officer - Camo Uniform: A master of strategy, this officer wields the MG 42 heavy machine gun and a grenade, ready for tactical situations.
One Afrikakorps NCO - Green Jacket: With the powerful STG 44 in hand, this non-commissioned officer represents the tenacity of the Afrikakorps.
Two German Army Officers - Grey Uniform: Lead your squad with officers carrying Lugers and sniper rifles, guiding your team with precision.
One SS Soldier - Black Uniform: Armed with a 98K rifle with a bayonet, this figure represents the formidable and sinister forces of the SS.
One SS Officer - Black Uniform: A symbol of SS authority, this officer is equipped with a Luger.
One SS NCO - Black Uniform: Wielding an FG 42, this non-commissioned officer adds to the strength of the sinister SS ranks.